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I basically started singing the moment I knew how to talk. So many drives to-and-from Newmarket because there weren’t any superstores in Keswick at that time, and my dad would throw on some Eagles and Queen. I think Freddie Mercury was the very first vocalist I knew I enjoyed, and I knew he was going to pave the way for my choice in vocal range towards the future, but what really hit hard was playing Rock Band for the first time (I played the drums because my brother liked to sing) and hearing Chris Cornell’s voice in Black Hole Sun was just heaven. That was the voice I knew I wanted to sound like. That was the range I wanted to strive for, and I still continue to strive for it. Every day, the further I go with our band, the more comfortable my higher belting range is. Not to mention, my growls are something I’ve adapted overtime using a similar technique that Corey Taylor uses. I’m just so happy I’ve actually started to extend the potential of my vocals without causing too much pain for my folds – that’s something I hope to continue working on.